St. Luke's Primary School

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House Points

At St Luke’s we aim to foster a sense of school community and our House Point System is one of the ways in which we do this. All children from Reception to Year 6 are allocated to a house. We have taken our inspiration for House names from the historical Staffordshire figures below. In Reception, children will recognise their House through the colour associated with each one: 


George Anson         Erasmus Darwin          Samuel Johnson         Josiah Wedgwood

From Year 1 onwards children will be familiar with the name of their house and this will be indicated with a sticker on the front of their organiser. 

Children can earn House Points for their houses by embodying our school TORCHES values. Specific behaviours that demonstrate each value are frequently shared with pupils, a full list of which can be found here:

 Behaviours for TORCHES values.

Children are encouraged to work hard in our school community to do the best they can to earn as many House Points as possible. Each House is lead by a member of the senior leadership team:

House Name

House Lead


Mr. Ware


Mrs. Findlay


Miss Jordan


Mrs. Hunt

Children also represent their houses at Sports Day and other sporting/competitive events throughout the year.

Each house has two House Captains who, along with the staff Head of House, organise their houses when appropriate. We will be holding hustings to vote for our new House Captains in the coming weeks

Each academic year, Year 6 children are invited to apply for the positions of House Captain and are expected to:

  • encourage positive behaviour from their house members by being excellent role models
  • collect house points
  • help organise events, activities, competitions and reward days
  • propose and represent ideas from their house ideas that will improve the House System

House points are recorded in your child's classroom and are collected at the end of the week by the house captains.

Each week, in our Whole School worship, the House Points Cup is awarded to the house with the most House Points, their house colours are tied to the trophy and a stamp in each child's organiser celebrates this achievement with parents. 

At the beginning of each half term, the house with the highest number of points for the previous half term is rewarded with a double play time!

At the end of the school year, the house that has won the most points overall is rewarded with a day of fun activities and a certificate to mark their achievement.