St. Luke's Primary School

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British Values Week - 'The sequel'

What a fantastic week we have had in school !

During this past week, we have focussed upon what makes us British and we have also spent time examining particular Bible Stories as a focussed element of our Christian Distinctivity.

We have welcomed a range of special visitors in school who have worked with our pupils - sharing their faith and beliefs and helping them understand the rich multicultural world which exists around us.

We have welcomed a number of special visitors to our school including Muslims, Jews, Buddhist Monks, Polish and Chinese visitors.

Our pupils have learned much and experienced many new ways of seeing the world and the understanding of others.

Look out for further images and work on show,

For now, we share a few pictures of the visit by our Buddhist Monks; Ajahn Laow and Ajahn Sumnuk who came to meet our pupils in Year 5 & 6.