St. Luke's Primary School

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British Values Week

We are looking forward to our forthcoming British Values Week. During the week of Monday 1st February, our pupils will have the chance to examine what 'being British' really means.

Pupils will look at what the face of Britain is like today, examining democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and respect. Additionally, they will examine how our own school values are important in Britain today. 

We are fortunate that a number of visitors will be joining us here in school representing different faiths, cultures and pupils will have the opportunity to talk with them  and examine their own faiths and their journeys in becoming British.

Our pupils will be learn Bollywood dancing, Chinese Calligraphy, Arabic Calligraphy. They will experience a Jewish festival meal, meet a Muslim refugee, examine Polish stories and even have the chance to talk with our visitors about their faiths and beliefs.

Ahead of our British Values Week, members of our school council will be visiting a Sikh Temple and a Muslim Mosque.Look out for our photographs and news on our learning during the coming weeks.