St. Luke's Primary School

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Children's University Success

Towards the end of the Summer Term we celebrated the achievements of a large number of our pupils who 'graduated' at the Stoke on Trent Campus of Staffordshire University.

For those of you who are unaware of Children's University, it aims to promote social mobility by providing high quality out-of-school-hours activities to children aged 7 to 14 and engaging the wider communities as learning partners in this process. An important principle of the Children's University is that participation is voluntary and it is intentionally something other than school - with a different feel, different activities and often a different location, peer group and staff. At the heart of its work is the ambition to raise aspirations, boost achievement and foster a love of learning. It enables young people to make the most of their abilities and interests, regardless of the background into which they were born.

We would like to say Well Done to our pupils and thanks to parents/carers who accompanied us to Stoke for the event.

Special thanks to Mrs Fleet who co-ordinates the initiative! Thanks so much Mrs Fleet !! :)