St. Luke's Primary School

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End of Spring Term - Worship

Normally at the end of our Spring Term, we all visit St. Luke's Church to mark the Easter Story. But sadly due to current reasons, we have been unable to do this.

We have missed seeing pupils and parents in and around school during the past few weeks. Our usual Spring Term events have had to be cancelled:  Easter Bonnet Parade, Easter Discos, Easter Egg Decorating, Easter Egg Hunts....

During the past few weeks we have offered care and support to children of Key Workers in our school community - and we thank them for what they are doing at this time in fighting the Covid-19 battle.

Join in with worship below - marking the end of our Spring Term.

School has continued to be quiet during the past few weeks - bird song has been very evident and some of our wildlife has begun to take over 'owning' our school.

The two pheasants below have been in and around our school grounds for a few days and were waiting at the main entrance to school at 7:30am on one morning last week!

For now - we wish you a Happy and Peaceful Easter Break

Look out for regular updates on our School Website

and on our Home Learning Updates.

We are able to be contacted during the Easter break in the usual ways.