St. Luke's Primary School

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Farewell Shugborough - You were great!

....... and so ....our young adventurers come to the end of their residential experience.

With bags packed of muddy washing and towels, souvenirs carefully bagged and many good memories, our pupils will be soon be returning back home.

Our pupils have gained much from their week - they have overcome challenges and gained new skills.

Our staff have graciously have given up a week to support, encourage and direct pupils. Many thanks indeed to Mr Thornhill, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Beaman, Mrs Pheasant and others who have joined at points during the week including Mrs Edwards and Miss Woodgate.

We know that many parents/carers have missed their children and we hope that you all have a relaxing weekend catching up between the many loads of washing!

Have a look at some of the images from the final couple of days below. (There are many!!)