St. Luke's Primary School

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Its official......we're OUTSTANDING !

Following a recent visit by Marianne Phillips, an inspector working on behalf of the Church of England, we can announce that St. Luke's CE Primary School has been graded OUTSTANDING.

Our inspector spent a day here at school looking at statistical data, talking with pupils, quizzing staff, talking with Governors and Parents and probing our own judgements.

She made many positive comments including the following:

'St. Luke's is an Outstanding school where all individuals, making up its school family, feel supported, loved and challenged to 'be the best they can be'

'The passionate commitment of the headteacher, governors, subject leaders and staff which effectively supports and drives the Christian distinctiveness of the school'

'The focus on the individual, to meet their needs and support their development spiritually, emotionally and academically, through nurturing Christian care'

'The difference the targeted interventions and quality teaching and learning experiences make is evidenced by the consistent improvements made by the pupils, regardless of background or ability.'

'By the time pupils leave the school they are meeting or often exceeding national standards'

'The pupils speak enthusiastically of the experiences their teachers and school staff provide for them'

'Governors rigorously monitor the effectiveness of the school through their meetings and visits and take their role as 'critical friend' very seriously. They regularly visit the school to fulfill their link responsibility'

We are naturally very pleased with this judgement and shall continue 'working together to provide opportunities to learn, to grow and to respect others in a caring Christian environment

Take a look at the final report:

 Inspection Report - Nov 2016