St. Luke's Primary School

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Join us for Worship !

We recognise that our pupils cannot join us for Daily Worship here at St. Luke's at the moment....and perhaps at this time it is more important than any other that we turn to God, thanking him for the things we have and yet asking him to guide us all at this uncertain time.

And so, Mr Miles hopes to be able to upload Collective Worship once each week.

See below our Collective Worship live from St. Luke's on Friday morning. Understandably, there were no pupils or staff, but it's hoped that you will join in with our usual responses and perhaps listen to the reading of a story which Mr Miles mentions too.

Keep popping back and checking our website for regular Worship from St. Luke's Primary School.

Have a look at the story which Mr Miles has talked about - It's called 'How Big are your worries Little Bear?'. It is written by the author - Jayneen Saunders

Are you stilling comfortably???

Okay - click on the button below....!

How big are your worries Little Bear? - read by Jayneen Saunders

 And if you want to sing along with two of Mr Miles' favourite worship songs which we sing in school, then why not click on the links below for '10,000 Reasons' by Matt Redman and 'My Lighthouse' by Rend Collective.

Why not join in with a song below........ (apologies far any adverts which pop up - naturally being Youtube - these may proceed the music :/   Just click 'Skip Ads')

'10,000 Reasons' by Matt Redman

'My Lighthouse' - Rend Collective