St. Luke's Primary School

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Returning to St. Luke's after Half Term

-During Sunday's Government announcement the Prime Minister once again addressed the issue of schools.  It is currently the Government’s belief that they will be in a position to move to ‘phase 2’ of the coronavirus response, which would include the phased re-opening of primary schools on 1st June.

-It is important to reiterate that this does not mean that the government has actually met its own five tests yet and whilst it might feel optimistic about doing so, the formal review will not take place until Thursday 28th May '20.

-The Government still seems intent on working towards a return to school for some pupils and we are preparing accordingly. 

-We have written to you all outlining our plans.

-Of course - the decision whether to send your child rests with yourselves. No one will be challenged where they are not comfortable in returning their child to school. We shall not be holding you to account or indeed see you any less of a parent for choosing not to send your child.

-We would however appreciate your feelings at this time and would be very grateful if parents/carers of pupils in NURSERY, RECEPTION and YEAR 1 could let us know whether they intend to send their children back to school after Half Term.

Below - there is a link to a questionnaire for parents/carers in NURSERY, RECEPTION and YEAR 1. We would be grateful if you could complete this by Friday 29th May '20. If you are indeed still unsure - please answer by indicating that you are sending your child back to school. We will not be holding you to account if you change your mind. It is just a guide for us here.

Please note that school will open on the following dates:

Monday 1st June '20  - Children of Key Workers ONLY

Tues 2nd June '20 - Children of Key Workers / Nursery / Reception

Mon 8th June - Children of Key Workers / Nursery / Reception / Year 1

Please see below two pieces of film - one for our pupils and one for parents. 

(These were recorded on Friday 22nd May '20)

The clip for pupils is to assist them in preparing to return and supporting them at this time. The clip for parents/carers is to provide information and support in the decision about sending your child back to school. 

 Parental/Carer Questionnaire - NURSERY/RECEPTION/YEAR 1