St. Luke's Primary School

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Talent Show 2019

On Wednesday evening, we hosted our annual talent show, St Luke’s Got Talent. Performers from across Key Stage 2 took to the stage to show off their many talents, including dancing, singing, magic and karate. The event was hosted excellently by four of our School Council members: Ellie-Grace, Daisy, Olivia and Arabella. There was also a range of fabulous raffle prizes and delicious cakes to buy. Altogether St Luke’s Got Talent raised a massive £484.58, which will go towards buying resources to make our school more eco-friendly. Over the coming weeks, Mr Miles, Miss Woodgate and the School Council will together to decide which items they would like to buy.

Miss Woodgate would like to say a huge thank you to all of the staff attended and the wonderful School Council members who not only helped on Wednesday, but also gave up their lunchtimes to sit through auditions.

The photographs below come courtesy of School Council member Phoebe, who took on the role of official photographer for the evening!

Talent Show 2019 Gallery