Torches Awards - Spring Term 2015
Towards the end of each term, we celebrate the efforts of pupils who have achieved 'Torches Awards'. These are specific awards which don't particularly focus on 'attainment', 'achievement', 'levels', 'points score' or 'progress' - but more specifically, qualities which our pupils demonstrate in and around our school.
These qualities represent the behaviours and habits which we encourage and attempt to instill within our young learners.
T r u s t
O p e n M i n d s
R e s p e c t
C a r i n g
H o n e s t y
E v e r H o p e f u l
S p i r i t u a l
Our pupils are invited along with their parents to a Presentation Evening where these awards are celebrated.
Take a look at this term's 'Torches Awards' winners:
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