St. Luke's Primary School

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We've got the Chase Factor!

Congratulations to our Year 6 pupils who entered the 2017 CHASE FACTOR during the past week. Our pupils learned the popular song 'Bridge over Troubled Water', and performed this at Cannock Chase High School along with a number of other local Primary Schools.

The competition was strong. Judges included our MP Amanda Milling, Mr Turnbull, Headteacher of Cannock Chase High School, and finally; Annette Scott, Musical Director of local choir, 'Songbirds in Harmony'.

During the past few weeks, we have been working with Year 6 pupils on the piece of music. This was introduced to pupils by Mrs Johnson from Cannock Chase High School. Since that point, Y6 pupils have been at work with Mr Miles who arranged the piece in readiness for the competition.

Following performances by all of the schools, St. Luke's were crowned worthy winners!!

Our Year 6 pupils will be performing at the Prince of Wales Theatre as part of the Cannock Chase High School Christmas Concert very shortly. 

 Have a look at some of our images and listen to our performance below: