St. Luke's Primary School

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Welcoming back pupils to St. Luke's

During this past week, we have welcomed back pupils to school following the national lock-down.

Our Key Worker pupils who have been present throughout the Lock-Down have now been joined by pupils from Nursery and Reception.

From Monday 8th June '20, we welcome back pupils in Year 1.

A number of changes have had to be made to accommodate pupils, protect staff and safeguard all.

Pupils are grouped into 'bubbles' of no more than 15. Each Year Group is spread across four classroom areas and are supported by one teacher and a teaching assistant.

Pupils are socially distancing within classroom areas and 'bubbles' of pupils do not come into contact with each other.

Classrooms, corridors and all external paths have been marked to avoid close contact.

Staff remain vigilant and work with clear Risk Assessment and Organisational Plans.

Despite around a 40% take up of places at the beginning of this first week, we have begun to see an increase during this first week back of parents wishing to send their child(ren) back. We have anticipated this and look forward to welcoming pupils back. Edmodo continues to be the platform for Home-Learning and this remains active while we have pupils who remain at home.

See some of the changes which we have made below: