St. Luke's Primary School

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World Book Day Fun !

World Book Day 2017 was an exciting and fun filled event here at St. Luke's. We were so very impressed with pupil 'and staff' costumes! Our Annual Parade was attended by many parents/carers. Judging costumes was very challenging but after much deliberation, we chose winners and runners up from each class.

During the week our pupils studied the books of Oliver Jeffers and used them as the basis for writing too.

We would like to say well done to the following pupils who were chosen Winners and Runners Up for their superb costumes!

Nursery:   WINNERS:  Mya Mullin / Artie Reeve    RUNNERS-UP: Luke Thomas / Freya Ingham

Reception   WINNERS:  Alice Carter / Pearl Adams   RUNNERS-UP: Louie Ross / Charlie Rushworth

Year 1: WINNERS: Jalen Parsons / Madeleine Sutton  RUNNERS-UP: James Lawrence / Ruby-Ann Smith

Year 2: WINNERS: Kian Jukes / Lucy Rushworth    RUNNERS-UP: Phoebe Owen / Bailey Wood

Year 3: WINNERS: Amelia McKinnon / Macy Rowe  RUNNERS-UP: Drew Turner / Jake Budworth

Year 4:WINNERS:  Oliver Purcell, Ned Rushton  RUNNERS-UP: Izzy Sutton, Star-Lillie Elsmore

Year 5: WINNERS: Troy Pacino / Rhianna Fallon  RUNNERS-UP: Daniel Whittle / Ryan Price

Year 6: WINNERS: Callum Colebatch / Ruby Baker RUNNERS-UP: Caden Ingerfield / Callum Salt