Year 6 SATs Parents Evening
Thank you to parents who came along last evening to find out more about the changes to Y6 Assessments for 2016 and how as parents you can support your child in gaining the best outcomes during this year. The coming weeks will be vitally important for your child and we want to be able to ensure that they have the very best possible opportunities to succeed.
Please remember to send back your order forms for the Revision materials by Friday 11th March together with cheque or cash for the materials which have been suggested. As stated last evening,
Ensure all homework tasks are attempted!
Use web sites such as: BBC BItesize;
Work alongside your child as they attempt homework or revision exercises.
Communicate to the class teacher
Ensure your child has early nights during the week of the tests!
Sensible foods and plenty of water!
Encourage and praise !!!!
In the meantime, for those of you who would like to see the slides from the presentation again or indeed for parents/carers who were unable to be present see below:
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