e-Safety - The internet and your Child
As a school, we often come across information regarding apps which children use or games played which do involve uploading images or film to the internet,
Most recently there have been some concerns which we have raised with parents/carers who may not have been aware of what their child has uploaded.
e-Safety forms a major part of our Computing Curriculum. We reinforce the way in which we have to behave - acting cautiously and certainly not engaging in 'live' contact with others whom we do not know.
Our School Governors have been keen for us to raise your awareness of how your child may be engaging with apps and the internet in general.
With the growing nature of the internet, apps and games are launched almost daily and these are available to our children. There is an ever growing minefield of potential danger and risks,
We hope to be able to deliver some suitable e-Safety Awareness Sessions for parents in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, we would encourage you to look at the Ofsted Handout below which lists a range of websites offering advice and guidance to parents/carers.
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