St. Luke's Primary School

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Our Foundation Governors

Foundation governors are appointed to the governing boards of voluntary controlled and voluntary aided schools to preserve the religious character of the school.

These are individuals whose appointment to the governing board is approved by the Diocese (Church) which is responsible for the school.

We are fortunate to have three active Foundation Governors here at St. Luke's.

All three of our Foundation Governors are active both within their own church and our school - one who is the curate to St. Luke's Church.

Foundation Governors are involved in different ways in school and activities and include:

-Talking to pupils about RE and Collective Worship

-Supporting the teaching of RE 

-Evaluating our Collective Worship

-Evaluating and exploring displays linked to RE and Collective Worship

-Evaluating pupil questionnaires

-Supporting Collective Worship Themes

-And of course..........praying for us