St. Luke's Primary School

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Absence & Medical Issues

ATTENDANCE ISSUES                 

If your child is unable to attend school please telephone 01543 227450 before 9.00 a.m.  No explanation or an unsatisfactory explanation may result in it being recorded as "unauthorised" i.e. truancy.  If you wish your child to leave the school for any reason during the school day, you must come to the school office to collect your child.

Children should arrive at school no earlier than 8.40am.  Members of staff are on duty at the gate from that time to ensure supervision of the children and to collect any messages from parents/carers. Children enter the school to their classrooms until registration begins.

The register is taken at 8.55am.

If a child arrives after the register is closed, they will be given a late mark. If a child arrives after 9.15am an unauthorised absence will be recorded.

For further information please read our Attendance Policy.

Medical appointments during the school will need to be recorded and proof of appointment must be seen by a member of the Office Staff. Where possible we ask that you make appointments such as the dentist or opticians outside of school hours.  

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MY CHILD IS ILL?                     

Please keep your child at home if he or she is ill. Please telephone us before 9.00am on each day of absence and send a note on your child’s return for our records. If your child is taken ill during the day we will contact you to make arrangements for them to go home.

Please ensure that we have an up-to-date emergency contact telephone number, with an alternative contact to go to if we are unable to contact you.

If your child requires prescribed medicine during the day, a ‘Request for pupil to have medication in school' form must be completed.  The school will not give your child medication unless you sign this form.  School has an agreed policy that staff can administer medication. Medicine must be supplied in a suitable named, tamper-proof container and will be kept in the School Office.

Please download the ‘Request for pupil to have medication in school' and return to the school office along with medicine.

It is the parents’ duty to ensure that all pupils who have asthma have a spare, named, up-to-date inhaler kept in school as well as an inhaler that the pupil keeps with them. This also applies to Epi-Pens too.

An individual Health Care Plan will be needed for ongoing or more serious health related problems that your child has. This will require a meeting between Staff and Parents/Carers.

Head lice are an increasing problem in all schools. If your child has head lice, we would request that appropriate treatment is used. Please check your child’s head regularly and at least once a week.

Shoulder length hair should always be tied back for all school activities for health and safety reasons. Earrings should also be removed for PE.

For further information on illness and how long your child should remain off school please telephone the school office, or alternatively, download the document Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Childcare Settings, produced by Public Health England.