St. Luke's Primary School

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Individual Health Care Plan

What is Individual Health Care Plan?

Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP) can be provided for pupils with ongoing medical conditions such as asthma, allergies and diabetes. The ultimate aim of an IHCP is to:

  • Provide reassurance to both pupils and family that school are aware of a condition;
  • Ensure school can do all they can support a medical condition;
  • Administer appropriate medication when required;
  • Allow a pupil to feel safe and enjoy school while attending.


Individual Health Care Plans are compiled by working in partnership with pupils, parents/carers and a healthcare professionals.  Plans are reviewed annually but we ask that any medical changes are communicated to the school office at the earliest convenient time during the academic year.


Please note: For prescribed medication for conditions such as tonsillitis, ear infections etc. which require short term medication a plan will not be needed but you will need to complete an Administering Medication in School Short Term (MED-ST) Form or we will not be able administer medication to your child.


How can staff support my child?


All our staff have basic first aid training and a small number are paediatric first aid trained. Occasionally, staff may receive training from a specialist nurse such as in the case of diabetes or epilepsy to support individual pupils. The help offered to your child may be in the classroom, during breaks, lunchtime and during PE lessons.


How do I let school know about a medical condition?


At the start of each academic year (September) we will send a medical form home to complete and return to school. From this form, we can decide on the best way forward for any medical needs and if an IHCP is needed. Not every pupil will need a plan but we still need the form signed and returned to school as soon as possible. This form will also be in the New Pupil Starter Pack.


School may require evidence from a health professional to complete a plan to enable us to gather the correct information and be able to work with a health professional where needed.


Please do not hesitate to contact school at any time if you think your child requires a Care Plan or, for any medical changes that school may need to be aware of.