St. Luke's Primary School

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R.E. Curriculum

At St Luke’s, we aim to provide pupils with an aspirational and inclusive understanding of Christianity and other major world religions and beliefs, so that they flourish academically, morally and spiritually. Our progressive and well sequenced Religious Education curriculum is designed to foster a deep understanding of a variety of world religions, beliefs, practices and values while promoting mutual respect, tolerance, and empathy towards others.

We aim to highlight the importance of diversity locally and nationally, instilling a sense of respect and appreciation for others, regardless of their faith or beliefs. We aim to encourage pupils to think critically about religious and ethical issues, fostering an environment where they can ask meaningful questions, confidently articulate their thoughts and beliefs, and engage in meaningful discussions. We seek to provide opportunities for pupils to visit places of worship, engage with guest speakers from various faiths and backgrounds, and participate in events with our local church to bring learning to life and enhance their understanding of the real world.

At St Luke’s, we encourage pupils to reflect on their own beliefs and values while cultivating a sense of identity and belonging within the wider community. We wish to equip pupils with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate and contribute positively to a multicultural society, promoting core British values and following in Jesus’ footsteps to reach their God given potential.

 St Luke's Religious Education Unit Overview