Reception team (ID 1127)
Mrs. N. JonesReception class teacher
Mrs. N. Jones
Miss A. KellyReception class teacher
Miss A. Kelly
SEND Support (EYFS)
Mrs. I. Redwood-SayceTeaching assistant
Mrs. I. Redwood-Sayce
Mrs. J. LaingTeaching assistant
Mrs. J. Laing
The Early Years Foundation Stage (Fledglings and Reception) of St Luke’s C.E Primary School is underpinned by the school’s vision.
Guided by the wisdom of God, through the teachings of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit; we work together at St Luke’s to provide aspirational approaches to learning, so that all will flourish and reach their God given potential.
We provide an enabling environment which promotes the learning and development of every child attending our setting. Our EYFS Curriculum ensures that children develop the knowledge, learning and life-long skills that they need to succeed in life. We equip the children with the skills to direct and manage their own learning and aim to develop individuals who are enthusiastic, resilient and hardworking. Our continuous provision offers a range of learning opportunities in the indoor and outdoor environments. We want our children to be excited by challenge and demonstrate a thirst for and enjoyment of learning.
As an EYFS Team we aim to:
- Create a stimulating learning environment which ensures each child reaches their full potential through taking risks and becoming confident to try new things.
- Ensure that every child receives a broad and balanced education of the highest standard, and are helped to discover their individual strengths.
- Create a safe, caring, happy community where every child feels safe, nurtured and supported.
- Encourage respect for each other and the environment.
- Through play-based learning develop reflective, resourceful, resilient, confident and independent learners.
- Nurture the spiritual, moral, social, emotional and physical wellbeing of each individual.
- Build strong relationships with families to create an open and welcoming school.
Children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which includes:
The prime areas of learning;
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social, and emotional development
The specific areas of learning;
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive arts and design
While these seven areas provide a framework for the early year’s curriculum, young children’s learning does not easily divide up into distinct areas. A particular experience may develop learning over several of the seven areas at one time. All areas are delivered through the continuous provision and a balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities.
Children learn best when they are interested, motivated, engaged and have opportunities for first hand, direct experiences. In the EYFS there are three Characteristics of Effective Learning. These underpin the EYFS Curriculum.
- Playing and Exploring
- Active Learning
- Creating and thinking critically
Parents are always welcome to contact the school should a concern or matter arise or otherwise contact teaching staff at the following email addresses:
Miss A.Kelly:
Mrs N Jones:
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