St. Luke's Primary School

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Year 2

Year 2 team (ID 1125)


Welcome to Year 2 2023-24 - Please view our Meet the Teacher Presentation here

Our Year 2 teachers are Miss Ward and Mrs Ible and our teaching assistant is Mrs Mason.

Our aim in Year 2 is to encourage independent learners who have a thirst for learning! The Year is split into 6 themes that are exciting and capture the children’s imagination. These themes will be cross curricular and incorporate all the subject areas as shown on the planners.  

Our children have hands on experience in all areas of the curriculum including trip to The Museum of Cannock Chase and Stafford Castle alongside a wide variety of in school opportunities to enrich learning.

We ensure to provide a safe, secure and exciting learning environment in which every child is encouraged to develop their confidence and self belief, take risks with learning and achieve their full potential.

The key to a successful year is effective partnerships between school and home. The Year 2 staff value your support with reading, spellings and homework activities. Please contact school if you have any questions or queries or use the email addresses below:

Miss T. Ward:

Mrs C. Ible: